احدث المقالات
  • الاستعداد للمدرسة.. من وجهة نظر العلاج الوظيفي
  • رنا طقوش امرأة من ذوي الإعاقة ، وجدت رسالتها في دعم ضعاف السمع
  • هل تفرقين بين أبنائك؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
  • تطور مهارة استخدام المقص عند الأطفال
  • Cerebral palsy and its impact on the body's systems
  • New AI tool helps alert family and care providers of potential medical emergencies
  • Handy online tool makes personalized assistive tech recommendations for people with sight loss

نبذة عن الكاتب

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Sarah Sarsby

Sarah Sarsby Digital Content Editor Sarah joined BHTA Engage who produce (THIIS Magazine, AT Today) in April 2018 as the new Content Writer and Marketing Assistant. After graduating with a Masters in English Language from De Montfort University, Sarah will be working on all BHTA Engage publications and help ing develop new activities. Sarah has many different hobbies and interests, she enjoys writing and cooking in her spare time. She also likes to stay active by swimming and practicing yoga. Digital Content Editor 020 3833 0792 [email protected]

مقالات ذات صلة

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